George A. Papandreou, Prime minister dialogue@politicalforum.gr
Ministry of Culture and Tourism grplk@culture.gr
Minister of Culture and Tourism, Paul Geroulanos minoff@culture.gr
Deputy Minister of Culture and Tourism, George Nikitiadis nikitiades@parliament.gr
Michael Chrisochoïdis, Minister for Regional Development and Competitiveness contact form: http://www.chrisochoidis.gr/contact 
Socrates Xynidis , Deputy Minister of Regional Development and Competitivenesss.xynidis@p
Panagiotis Rigas, Deputy Regional Development and Competitiveness prigas@parliament.gr
Dinos Rovlias,Deputy Minister of Regional Development and Competitiveness rovlias@parliament.gr

Press and public relations (agency YPPOT) press@culture.gr
Secretary of Culture, Lina G. Mendoni lmend@eie.gr
Office Secretary gsecoff@culture.gr
General address of Contemporary Culture, Head, Life Kazazaki zkazazaki@culture.gr, gdsp@culture.gr
Greek Parliament communication@parliament.g
Greek parliament: infopar@parliament.gr
E-MAIL SERVICE SOCIETY: polites@ypoian.gr
ESPA contact form http://www.espa.gr/el/Pages/HelpDesk.aspx 

Dear Prime Minister, Ministers, Deputy Ministers, Gentlemen,

 I have recently learned the decision of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism to join the project titled "Restoration of the mansion Bashar - Creation Museum Fur" with actor in the municipality of Kastoria, included in the Operational Programme (OP) "Macedonia-Thrace 2007-2013" under Article 21, paragraph 8 of Law 3614/2007.
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Congratulations for your decision to save the mansion Bashar, a great example of the Macedonian architecture of the 18th century. Unlike this right decision,the fact remains that the fur trade  is no sign of civilization! How strange to create museum who exhibits the fur: the brutal murder of animals!

Your country cannot have from one side Acropolis and  from the other side a  fur museum ... a museum that is in no way identified with the culture but with the murder of innocent creatures that is proven to have feelings and suffer.

The fur is a product of pain, for the sole purpose to satisfy the vanity of man and woman, we do not live anymore in the Paleolithic Age, but in 2011! It is really challenging the declaration of the Mayor of Kastoria Mr. Chatzisymeonidi, "this important mansion will not only survive, but will also acquire a specific use, it will get new life." Which "new life"  the mayor refers to,for the house? ... obviously he is not talking about the millions of corpses of the fur animals that lived a short and haunting life to be transformedin to bag, coat, shoes, etc.

I understand that the budget of the project (restoration and museum studies) will reach 2,000,000 million as taxpayer, I find it less challenging and  totally absurd , Greek taxpayers' money,  to provide for the fur industry, without their assent, encouraging the continuation and the expansion of this lethal industry and create even museum, dedicated to the history of Greek murderous fur!
In conclusion, the fur is not "green" as some claim, we now know that toxic substances are used to process and produced tons of waste from farm and fur animals that harm the environment and in no way  such a museum is a sign of civilization. It is a museum of murder  of animals who pass  their lives brutally withdrawn from the wild nature and even self-inflict themselfs living their whole life in cages.
Therefore  I feel that the fur can not  have "its own museum!"
I think a museum is such a shame for your country and teach your children the indifference and violence and anti cultural values.
I urge you to immediately review  it's funding and leave the mansion into a truly cultural use within your discretion.

Yours sincerely


ulture.gr,nikitiades@parliament.gr,xynidis@parliament.gr,sokratis.xinidis@gmail.com,prigas@parliament.gr,rovlias@parliament.gr,press@culture.gr,lmend@eie.gr,gsecoff@culture.gr,zkazazaki@culture.gr,gdsp@culture.gr,communication@parliament.gr,infopar@parliament.gr,polites@ypoian.gr,egatopoulou@culture.gr,gdamte@culture.gr,gda@culture.gr, anna@diamantopoulou.gr,info@christofilopoulou.gr


(Gr Minister) / Mesogeion 119, 10192, Athens, Greece /
Nikis 5-7, 10180, Athens /
Square Canning, 10181, Athens, Greece / Tel: 210 3893000 / Fax: 210 3302718
Cabinet Minister, Mesogeion 119, 10192 Athens, Tel: 210 6974802
Minister's Office, Director, Mesogeion 119, 10192 Athens, 210 6969710
Minister's Office, Department of Economy, Nikis 5-7, 10180 Athens, Tel: 210 3332626, 210 3332548, Fax: 210 3332775
Minister's Office, Commerce Square, Canning, 10181 Athens, Tel: 210 3834965, Fax: 210 3302718
General Secretary Ministry of Economy and Shipping Mr. John Drymousis, Nikis 5-7, 10180 Athens, Tel: 210 3332902, 210 3332906, Fax: 210 3332390
Secretary General Investment & Development Mr George Petrakos, Nikis 5-7, Athens 10180, 210 3332406, Fax: 210 3332449
Industry Secretary Alexandros Fourlas Mesogion 119, 101 92 Athens, Tel: 210 6969823, 210 6969824, Fax: 210 6969301
Secretary of Commerce Mr. Stephen Komninos, Canning Square, 10181 Athens, Tel; 210 3808664, Fax: 210 3803422
Special Secretary for Competitiveness, Mr Manolis Paterakis, Mesogeion 56, 11527 Athens, Tel: 210 7450807, Fax: 210 7450879

Letter created by:

Supported by Anti Fur Society and Anti Fur Coalition